
Sänna in Alaska

I’m not sure where I’m going with this particular blog. I could easily come across as a moaning, deep, reflective old goat whilst trying to confess a point that’s been bothering me more and more over the last few weeks. The subject of my increasingly frenzied frustration is Mickey Mouse.

Like everyone I loved Mickey when I was a kid. I watched Mickey and Minnie and I watched the others too. Many years later, the previous Mrs Ungless and I took our daughters to Mickey Mouse’s heartland in Florida and, totally overwhelmed, I booked the same trip the following year too. We had a marvellous and memorable time. I was a Disney convert and eagerly sang along with the Mickey Mouse chorus loving every minute, riding ‘It’s A Small World’ over and over again with my own adoring kids. Somewhere since then everything changed…

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Eric Two Corks



Photo: The Mercurial Texan

Eric Two Corks, skipper of Maluhia, was adamant we should go and see the Judge. We could somehow free Horst, skipper of Awenasa, from appearing in the Kona Court. So we rode off in Eric’s car to set things straight and I imagined it rather like two cowboys riding to the Sheriff’s jail to free the condemned outlaw about to be hanged. I saw there was already a rope in the back of the car which, I figured, could be used to free the hapless Horst if things took a turn for the worst. This, I thought, was going to be fun…

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Sergio the Sailor


Sergio Mitrotti

The banging on the hatch woke me to Sergio’s excited, heavily accented Italian voice… “Berlusconi has resigned. Fantastic News, Dave, Wake Up, Berlusconi, he’s gone.” It took me a few moments to rouse myself to the important news about Italian politics of which, of course, I had no knowledge of. I stuck my head out through the hatch, “That’s brilliant news Serge. He had it coming the bastard,” I was still in a dreamlike state…

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Bob Goddammit



I knew this wasn’t going to go well. I’d blown the wind instrument by accidentally shorting the wires trying to get a voltage reading and now I needed professional help. John, on the big Sunseeker moored alongside Sänna said “Well, I’ll give you the number of the only guy on the island who can fix that,” he looked concerned, “He’s good but I hope you Brits are tough cookies.” I called the number…

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